Saturday, March 27, 2004

Taxes or beads, taxes or beads . . .??

This has been a long and arduous week for me.

In my mind, I had today penned in (not penciled!) for doing my tax returns. April 15th looms, only two-and-a-half weeks away.

But, last night, while watching a couple of the Sweet Sixteen games (Xavier beat Texas, yeahhhhh!), I pulled out my bead tins and made a nifty, eyeglass chain for my tortoiseshell reading glasses. It's full of warm gold, bronze, amber and dark brown beads, with some green, malachite-like funky beads thrown in for good measure. I am quite pleased with the results, which as I write, hang about my neck this morning, holding my reading glasses close at hand.

I had so much fun last night, that I'm thinking about making another eyeglass chain . . . just for the hell of it.

Hence, my dilemma: taxes or beads, taxes or beads??

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