Tuesday, March 30, 2004

it's the opposite of the classification of the insanities

"Coming out this month as part of the DSM is a classification of strengths and virtues; it's the opposite of the classification of the insanities. When we look we see that there are six virtues, which we find endorsed across cultures, and these break down into 24 strengths. The six virtues that we find are non-arbitrary — first, a wisdom and knowledge cluster; second, a courage cluster; third, virtues like love and humanity; fourth, a justice cluster; fifth a temperance, moderation cluster; and sixth a spirituality, transcendence cluster."

So . . . as I was saying, I took this VIA Signature Strengths test
and my top five signature strengths are:

(1). Gratitude from the Spirituality/Transcendence cluster
(2). Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, also from the Spirituality / Transcendence cluster
(3). Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness, from the Courage cluster
(4). Love of learning, from the Wisdom / Knowledge cluster
(5). Capacity to love and be loved, from the Love cluster.

Why do I want to cackle like an old, insane crone???? Heh-heh-heh . . .

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