Saturday, March 06, 2004

An oh-so-quiet Saturday morning

Quietness, light snowflakes outside and a sleeping beast nearby make for a meditative atmosphere this morning.

I like how this stillness feels. I didn't do anything to create it, but I also haven't done anything to destroy it.

How many other opportunities for stillness have I short-sightedly avoided, not realizing, perhaps that is what I need?

I must confess, I tend to avoid stillness. Goes against the grain, you know? Part of that Germanic (even though I'm more Wendish/Sorbian than German), Lutheran, you-must-be-busy-at-all-times-to-earn-your-salt upbringing. I originally wrote, "you-must-be-busy-at-all-times-to-justify-your-existence;" a harsh thought that horrifies me, yet is probably closer to my internal truth.

I have spent many years slowly pecking away at harsh, internalized messages; here's another one for the heap.

I now return to the stillness, which is far more gentle to my spirit.

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