Thursday, March 04, 2004

It's Thursdishday!

I am lucky enough to have several special people in my life who love to make up words. Words like heathenite and blagging and Wendishday!

Wendishday is a playful derivation of Wednesday and our rather mysterious heritage from medieval Wends. Wendishday, like any other play-crafted word, is slowly moving into greater and greater use amongst the wild and wacky Wends in our circle.

Hardly a Wednesday goes by that Lina and I don't exchange a 'Happy Wendishday" email.

So, being true to my habits, I sent her an email commenting on today's special status and she wrote back:

Mom, it's not Wendishday's Thursdishday!

Ah ... yes, but of course; it's Thursdishday!

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