Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Confounded and still confused

Dragon Mood? -- this dragon doesn't like "confounded"

Once upon a time . . .

Once upon a time, I thought that programming and coding were consistent things. Things you could count on like math and the sun rising in the east. In school, in one of my (horrible) classes, computers were referred to as "non-deterministic automata." Like, it doesn't get choices. It just does what you program it to do.

Well, as you may (or may not) see, I'm back to a 3-column layout . . . for the moment, anyway. I went through the original version (seen here) and my version, and other than moving the code for "WomenBloggers" from the right sidebar to the center column, I didn't do anything. 'Splain that to me, will ya?


(arms raised, palms up) Not that I'm complaining!

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