Tuesday, June 15, 2004

A room in hell

Dragon Mood? -- where am I?

In her blog, frog writes about decorating her room in hell.

Which prompts me to ask the question: what would my room in hell look and feel like? Some of my answers actually surprised me:
-- annoying creatures like mosquitos biting me in boney places
-- creepy things like silverfish and snakes slithering out when I least expect them
-- lima beans overflowing in bowls everywhere
-- heavy metal and/or head-banging music constantly
-- endless junk mail piling up into towering stacks
-- fanatic fundamentalist (and closed-minded) Christians talking incessantly
-- dead, forlorn-looking flowers
-- garish colors that scream at you
-- air that is stale and stagnant and slightly mildew-y smelling
-- an environment that I could never change or improve (sort of like having to work in Windows)
-- bad art
-- kitschy artwork that has the color mauve in it
-- plastic plants
-- being force-fed sugary candy that makes my teeth hurt
-- endless noise and/or talking (can you tell I need some modicum of silence?)
-- and then, all these sorts of people jammed into my room . . .
-- people who talk too loud
-- people who are always clearing their sinuses (snort, snort)
-- people with bad breath
-- people who pound randomly on piano keys
-- people who are relentlessly mean-spirited (we are talking hell here, aren't we?)
Oh geez, I need to take a break. I have over-achieved in imagining my room in hell!

1 comment:

frog said...

This is great! I love it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. :)