Saturday, June 05, 2004

Flower planting

Dragon Mood:Sweaty

In anticipation of planting loads of flowers today, I set my Unkymood at "Sweaty."

I bailed out of the big city yesterday by two, and headed straight to Horrocks for our flowers. I bought two flats of portulaca because they are such sturdy little flowers and, given a little encouragement and some Miracle-Grow, they will bloom all summer. Also, they do extremely well in pots on our warm, sunny deck.

I also bought a flat of those tiny, vibrantly-blue flowers, lobelia. I have no idea how I'm going to integrate those in with the portulaca (or not integrate them), but I will find somewhere to plant them. I love that deep blue! I cribbed a photo from here, showing the flowers:

Finally, I hit the local Save-A-Lot because they always have 99 cent geraniums. I bought ten salmon and red ones. Again, in my frugal perception, you get a lot of flower bang for the buck.

It's a gorgeous June morning and I'm looking forward to planting and putzing around the house.

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