Monday, June 14, 2004

Monday fatigue

Dragon Mood? -- it's Monday; doesn't that say enough?

Busy weekends lead to Monday fatigue. That's where I'm at. I know I should be working, but damn if I don't want to just put my head down on the desk and snooze.

My sister, Ruth, and brother-in-law, Paul, were in town this weekend, visiting doctors, socializing and catching up with family. S and I met up with Ruth at one of our favorite watering holes, Buddies, for some drinks Friday afternoon. Then Ruth and I gallivanted Saturday afternoon for a few hours, hitting the Okemos Meijer's (where Ruth asked, "Do you think it's strange to miss a store?") and Horrocks, where we each bought a dozen roses.

Ruth and Paul joined us Saturday evening for more drinks and let-your-hair-down conversation. We had a good time. It's always fun to visit, share and commiserate about what ever particular topic we choose: jobs, politics, Ronald Reagan's week-long funeral ceremonies, selected family members of a dysfunctional nature; that sort of thing, you know?

Sunday was another full day. I struggled with my new website, Merry Dragon which I'm having trouble getting to appear as I want, chased dust bunnies in anticipation of a houseguest later this week, and visited our friend, Kevin, over at his house.

S and I got home about 9:30, wolfed down a crummy, fast-food burger, watched ten minutes of the Pistons and the Lakers, started to fall asleep, ran the dog (exercise for her) around the subdivision on my bicycle (exercise for me) before jumping in the car and driving to the other house eighty miles away. I arrived there at 12:10 a.m. and was asleep and snoring (most likely) by 12:30 a.m.

Whew! No wonder I feel tired today!

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