Friday, June 25, 2004

Recapping my typical week

Dragon Mood? -- tired remembering it all

Monday evening included a delightful surprise. I drove in the driveway, hailed my cross-the-street neighbors, Jan and Tom, and they invited me to dinner. We drank some red wine sitting out on their porch, smelled the yummy smells coming from the kitchen and talked and laughed. We had a delicious boiled dinner (melt-in-your-mouth corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes).

Tuesday evening I spent the first half alone, anticipating spending the second half alone, as well. But surprise(!), S showed up at 8:50 p.m.,bags and laundry and computer in tow. She was out mowing our little postage stamp-size lawn by 9 (bless her little lawn-mowing heart!), done by 9:25 and together, we sat in our crummy little sand chairs on the driveway, drinking a beer, watching the light slip from the sky and listened to the quiet night sounds deep within the city. Those are the present moments that stay with me and I treasure!

Wednesday night was a whirl of activity as I drove back to Okemos for a hair appointment, picked up mail, did some banking, scooted through Meijer's for a five-minute shopping spree, drove to the Perry house, showered and freshened up, and finally joined Jeanne, Joanne and Kevin for pizza, salad, martoonis AND birthday cake at their house. The excitement was hearing about J & J's trip out west (and their new rings!) and the sadness was that S was caught in her class in Warren and was unable to join us. :-( We caught up with each other for five minutes at the Perry house, with a quick kiss and then I was off, back to the big city. Talk about ships passing in the night!

Thursday evening was quiet with reading, walking the dog and snoozing in the padded plastic Adirondack chair. Oh yes, and laundry! Lots of laundry. Sadly, I totally forgot about the weekly "night on the town" events that our little community has on Thursday evenings! Damn! I hate missing out!

And now it's Friday, with a short work day and another high-intensity commute back to the country, through Friday afternoon big-city traffic (including loads of construction and millions of MDOT orange barrels).

Oh, I love my life!

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