Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nine-year old dreams

Dragon Mood? -- feeling dragonly young

Last night, I had the pleasureable experience of being nine years old again. I had a dream right before I woke up this morning; the dream was fresh and vivid in my mind.

S and I were standing out in the front yard of some unknown house. There were other kids our age standing nearby. It was that evening time when the sun is going down, light is fading and you're having so much fun, you don't want it to stop.

I felt like my pre-unemployment self, a supremely self-confident know-it-all(!) I called all the kids to gather around me. They started moving towards me, gathering in a group. I suddenly realized that I had no idea why I had called them to me, nor what I was going to say. Oops!

Attempting to cover my leadership gaffe, I mustered my most authoritative voice and told everyone to go home and tell their parents, "We're gonna play for 15 more minutes and then we'll come in." Everyone scattered, running home. My dream ended, my control over the situation well in hand and my self-confidence solid as a rock.

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