Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hasta la vista, Alberto?

Dragon Mood? -- chagrined

George Stephanopolous' show, This Week, on ABC, is on right now and they're talking about Alberto Gonzalez and the furor over his firing of eight federal prosecutors.

And here's an excerpt from an ABC News article:
"The chances of the attorney general surviving this, I think, are slim to none — and slim just left the building," said Norman Ornstein, a political analyst at the American Enterprise Institute.

Gonzales faces what could be the most challenging week of his career. On Monday, the Department of Justice is expected to release some 200 pages of potentially damaging e-mails to address accusations he fired eight U.S. attorneys for political reasons on behalf of a White House that felt they were not — in the words of Gonzales' former chief of staff, Kyle Sampson — "loyal Bushies."

Sampson lost his job earlier this month. Now it is Gonzales' own job that's on the line.

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