Thursday, March 08, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- not sleepy now!

Recently, I've been jumping into bed between 10 and 11, falling asleep almost immediately and not waking up until S's alarm goes off at 8 o'clock. And rather than feeling rested, my body stills feel tired, longing for more sleep. What's going on?

Well, I don't have an answer for that yet, but I see my doctor Friday afternoon, and you can bet, I'll be asking her.

I just got the results from my labwork today in the mail and one possible culprit has been eliminated. It isn't my TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone. That's in the range considered normal.

My hemoglobin is actually a bit high. How ironic (yes, pun intended)! Amazing what no monthly bleeding will do for you! Two other components of my white blood cells are out of the normal range, one high and one low. I'll find out more about with Dr. Wendy.

(heavy sigh) And yes, my glucose is still slightly elevated: 110. Normal range is between 65 and 99. Damn! I can already hear the doc and my kids singin' their favorite song: "Exercise!"

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