Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Dragon Mood? -- like I said, I'm in a coping mood and mode

Yesterday, in shock and my feelings bouncing around like overheated molecules, I cleaned. Cleaned with a capital C! I stripped our bed right down to the mattress, laundered all the linens, not only rotated but also FLIPPED our queen-size mattress all by myself (a.k.a. layoff energy!), vacuumed the floors, knocked down incredible spider webs (sorry, spiders) and whirled around the little pied-a-terre trying to dissipate energy in my disbelieving state.

Today, I woke at my regular wake-up time (5:20 a.m.) in an absolute panic that I had overslept. Then I remembered. (heavy sigh) Oh, geez.

I couldn't summon layoff energy for a second day so I spent a lot more time today at the computer. Particularly, I Photoshopped. I knew it would be good therapy for me. I worked on the cute little dragon image at the top of the right-hand column on this page. I'm very pleased with the results.

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