Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Job Update

Dragon Mood? -- catching up

Can you believe it? -- I hardly can. I'm in the middle of the tenth week of my shiny-brand-new job! I've gotten to the point where I can really crank through the easy parts. And even the balancing of several middling-hard tasks, I can manage with a fair amount of composure.

But today was a new high ... and low. I finished transferring a huge amount of data this morning, sent out emails announcing "the data's there" to all the responsible parties ... and by 3 o'clock this afternoon, learned from a gentle messenger that a significant portion of the data was, simply put, crap! ArrrghhH! Talk about disappointed! Talk about embarrassed! Talk about distressed!

Thankfully, my boss set me straight. It's not my job to validate downloaded data, just download it. And the problem didn't start with me. It started at the source of the download ... again, which isn't me.

It's all about me, you see. Or, in this case, not me. And it wasn't ... about me. It was about them, whoever and where ever those ubiquitous, invisible corporate suit-wearing IT persons are!

So ... my boss was gonna fire off a polite but crankily firm email about the poor quality of this data ... with highly informative yet incriminating screen dumps of the poor data quality supplied by me. We need good data! What the hell are you yahoos waiting for?

I love it!

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