Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday morning update

Dragon Mood? -- waking up

Five-fifty A.M. is not usually a time that LENDS itself to introspection, composition and POSTING, you know?

S is "home," back in the pine trees this morning. She worked diligently last week, working late every night to meet a deadline. Friday, at 7 p.m. the deadline was met and her boss told her to take Monday off. She is happily complying today.

Anyway, I have the house to myself, my hair is washed, so I have some extra time this morning. I'll live life on the edge, whaddaya say and POST?

This morning I begin my NINTH week of my shiny-brand-new job. As I told my dad and step-mom last night, I continued to be amazed -- no, amazed and SURPRISED -- at how much I'm enjoying my new job. I didn't think I would like it this much. Honestly. I was afraid I would get bored. So far -- knock on wood -- that hasn't happened!

My job revolves around moving data. I move data in, I move data out. I move large quantities of CAD data, using the CAD software that I have worked in for over ten years. I also use a number of other software applications, that I jump from back and forth. I now have two PCs at my desk. The IT folks finally loaded a necessary software on Friday on that second computer. Now, I can really multi-task!

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