Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yup, this describes it ....

Dragon Mood? -- dreamy

Once upon a time ... after almost a whole bottle of red wine, the world felt like one BIG FAIRY TALE.

From Astrodienst:
This influence stimulates the imagination in a very positive way. Your sensitivity to and awareness of the subtler aspects of the world around you is greatly increased, and your intuition is much stronger than usual. Sometimes this influence accompanies a period of dreaminess, in which you spend much time fantasizing. In your contacts with people, you have a much clearer sense of what is going on in others' minds. If you can keep your perceptions straight in your head, you will be astonished by the insights about people that this influence can bring. However, during this time it is often difficult to keep your intuitions sorted out. Clear thinking is not one of your strong points today, and in fact you should try not to use your rational mind very much. Rely more on your inner senses and feelings.

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