Sunday, August 12, 2007

Trying to catch up late on a Sunday night

Dragon Mood? -- struggling to find the words

Idon't know why, but I'm having trouble making time to post. I wish when I thought things, I could simply think "POST" and POOF -- a la Harry Potter -- here they would appear!

Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy. And while things haven't been exactly difficult, they have been BUSY!

Since flying to Madison for the weekend (was that really three weeks ago?), I've felt behind. And the faster I try to go, the behinder I feel (...however that old saw goes)? Work is going okay, thank goodness! I've made sure to get enough sleep that I can be alert and function well at work. But after work, I tend to crash; sometimes, just for a half an hour, sometimes longer. I want to blame the humidity that we've been experiencing; but that may simply be an excuse.

Last weekend, I stayed here at the pied-a-terre, while S headed up north with the younger twin, Tim, to load and haul some furniture from her sister's house. I treated myself to a languorous Saturday afternoon trip to IKEA, a jaunt through a Heartland's-version Target and a self-indulgent "I'll-take-some-of-that" and "oh-some-of-that-too" evening meal at a luxe gourmet shop that I rarely visit. I spent way too much money and you know what? I didn't care and I didn't worry about it. I simply gave myself permission to have fun. Which I did.

This past week, however, has been preoccupied with thinking about and starting to get the pied-a-terre ready for our new about-to-be housemate, Erin. Erin is a young woman, beginning grad school at Wayne State, who will live in the pied-a-terre's upstairs while going to school. We found out after the fact that she's a lesbian (where was my gay-dar?). I've painted the linen closet, shuffled shelves and drawers and closets around, attempting to make room for her in the bathroom. S and I moved the treadmill out of the TV room and brought the computer downstairs and into the TV room. I'm sitting here in this new location and I can feel that I'm gonna like the computer in here.


You know what? It's gotten late and I need to go to bed!

Maybe more posting tomorrow?

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