Thursday, June 15, 2006

Labwork & the resultant whining

Dragon Mood? -- challenged

In anticipation of seeing my family physician, I went to the lab and had blood drawn last Friday. Well, as you can imagine, I was elated about all the numbers except the last one: damn glucose. ArrghhhHH!

Description Result Normal Range
Chol/HDL Ratio2.7Half the average risk factor: 3.3 for women
Average risk factor: 4.4 for women
Two times average risk factor: 7.0 for women
Insulin (Fasting)15.66.0-29.0

I thought about it. I think I am eating healthy and healthi-ER than I ever have. My other numbers substantiate that. The fact that my glucose puts me in the pre-diabetic category means:
  1. I need to exercise more.
  2. I need to eat the same or less.
  3. With #1 and #2, I will lose weight.
Once I exercise more and lose weight, I probably will no longer have glucose problems and I will no longer be a pre-diabetic.

Exercise, exercise, exercise!!! Can you hear my whining from THERE???

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