Friday, September 24, 2004

A grab bag of my thoughts and other mish-mash

Dragon Mood? -- discombobulated

This week was a long week, a short week and a hard week.

I worked 10-hour days (talk about long?), four days this week (short work week), and my days were filled with LOTS OF WORK! After days and weeks of filling time, this week I was setting up images in Unigraphics NX, Photoshopping them and then checking their appearance in the body of text for a training course going to Sweden in a few weeks. The whole forty hours! Whew! I am exhausted but happy to know that I am still capable of working that many hours in a row! And I love working in Photoshop!

Today I am home, away from work, back in the land of the tall pine trees, while my trusty and faithful landboat, the '94 Volvo, gets a few of her internal parts replaced, tinkered with and adjusted. Let's hope the doctor bill is less than $1000.

I had planned to sew today. But I'm sitting here, and I'm just pooped. Tired and without motivation. Not so tired that I can't surf the internet or post a post or three on my blog. But that's about the extent of my energy.

Some mish-mash lolling about in my brain:
  • I do think Cisco, our sweet puppy, has been lonely, bored and a bit out of sorts lately. This past week I tried giving her extra attention after work, and she definitely felt like a happier dog. "Hey, Mom, let's go for a WALK!"
  • I wrote my intrepid pirate princess daughter, Lina, to chew her out 'cuz we missed the talk-like-a-pirate day. Damn the mizzen mast, we be workin' too hard ta miss our talkin' day! If we don't get our heads outta our arses, there be short planks we be walkin!
  • Which led me to re-experience how much I miss seeing my kids on a regular basis. Damn, I wanted you to grow up, . . . but I never wanted you to get jobs and move away and get a life. I would be happy if we could go to Bagel Haul once a week, have breakfast and just talk and laugh with each other. Bagel Haul's gone, you're gone and I miss those times with you! Geez!
  • On a lighter note, even old dogs can learn new tricks. In preparation for driving home last night, I backed the car into the driveway, left my purse in the car, rolled down the back windows for Cisco who was about-to-be-in-the-car. Then I locked the car (you know, to foil the big, bad city robbers lurking in the bushes). A half an hour later, I carried my bag out of the house, got to the car, realized it was locked, and reached in through the half-opened back windows to unlock the car. Holy shit!-- an alarm went off, the horn started tooting and the lights started flashing. I didn't know my car would do that! This is the car that I've owned for seven years, the car that's paid for, the car I've put 150,000 miles on. Holy shit, I didn't know it would do that! (laughing)

    It took me about thirty seconds to find my keys with the keyfob, although it certainly felt more like five minutes and thirty seconds. Our neighbors, sitting out on their porch, yelled over at me, what the hell I was doing over there? Needless to say, this ol' dog felt just a little stupid. But I did learn a new trick: don't try to out-trick the trusty car's alarm system!

Any more mish-mash? Anything else lolling about up there?? Maybe I'll add more to this later ?

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