Monday, April 26, 2004

Tweaking somebody's nose?

Is Google News tweaking somebody's nose?

I wanted to read about the pro-choice march in Washington held yesterday. Google News linked me to this article in Digital Granma, a Cuban newspaper. Huh? Why a Cuban newspaper to read about a march held in Washington? One that was pretty critical of Bush and his administration? Curious, huh?

Here's an excerpt:
WASHINGTON—More than one million women from all over the United States and other countries invaded downtown Washington on Sunday to defend their right to abortion, which they believe to be threatened by President George W. Bush. Nearly 1.15 million people participated in the demonstration according to its organizers, making it even larger than a similar event in April 1992, when some 750,000 people took part."

I was glad to hear that so many women turned out. George Bush, just you wait until November! Then you and your people will get their comeuppance . . . in the form of a large boot . . . outta Washington!

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