Friday, April 30, 2004

Home again, home again, jiggedy-jig

It's Friday night, I'm drinking some pinot noir, and listening to Jorma Kaukonen's Blue Country Heart. It's unseasonably warm outside (for Michigan) and it's lightly raining (moisture which we desperately need).

I am home from Detroit for the weekend. S is studying her math-brains out, preparing for her final exam. We are enjoying each other's company, as it were, just enjoying being in the same house, in some physical proximity to one another. I have kissed the back of her neck several times tonight and told her that I love her.

I'm feeling a bit on TV-info overload. I watched the ABC News tonight (along with The News Hour with Jim Lehrer) with all the stories about Fallujah, American troops abusing Iraqis, Dick Cheney and John Kerry at that college in Missouri.

The one part of Peter Jennings' report that I especially enjoy is their 'Person of the Week.' Tonight's person is Tim Duffy, a person passionately in love with music, who records aging southern blues pioneers, along with writing checks for their phone bills and backing them up on performance gigs. Bravo to Tim Duffy and kudos to ABC News for bringing the viewing world's attention to his passion.

Lina, mi hijita muy compasiva, sent S and me some photos from someone who's been in Iraq. Disturbing. Very disturbing. We talked about how you can't look at these photos and continue to fool yourself that this war is almost over. Or that it is some sanitary war. No war is. This one certainly isn't.

What has this administration gotten us into? And now that we're there, how do we treat the Iraqis with the respect they deserve, honor all the Americans who have so honorably served (including, for some, giving their lives) and extricate ourselves from this mess, this Iraqi wanna-be-a-civil-war?

It makes me sick.

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