Monday, June 04, 2007

Weekend catchup

Dragon Mood? -- remembering

This past weekend feels somewhat like a dream ... hazy, blurred, slow-motion.

Compared to the last four weekends, this one was slow! We didn't head up north for more handicap-ramp-building, but stayed "at home" in the pine forest, amazed at the quantity of pine pollen that coats all surfaces with its fluorescent green. Windshields sported films of green, deck chairs looked like green aliens had plopped in them, even puddles of standing water looked like brackish swamps. Yup, it's definitely pine pollen time.

Saturday was a chore day. I ran numerous errands, buying copious quantities of coffee at Horrocks, grass seed, caulk, dog food at Soldans -- you know, all the fun stuff you can't way to buy!?! S mowed the grass, a huge chore anytime, but made even larger when it's warm and humid. She looked more than a mite wilted when I found her at home, mowing done, drinking a beer. She cut the grass as low as possible and it looked lush and inviting and like a park!

Saturday evening we "treated" ourselves to a carry-out dinner from Woody's that included kibbeh sandwiches, spicy hummus and six stuffed grape leaves. Oh yes, and we splurged and bought a small container of deep-red, pickled turnips as well as a small container of fresh olives. Yum! We hit the video store and rented three DVDs, all light, fluffy comedies for our Saturday "date night" entertainment.

Sunday? Well, Sunday was supposed to be a highly productive day which slowly melted into a barely productive day with lots of staring out the window as rain, rain and more rain fell. Don't get me wrong -- it was absolutely lovely to watch and to listen to -- I was mesmerized. A whole day of dreamy, dreamy dreaminess!

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