Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What I'm working on ...

Dragon Mood? -- Generating some dragon steam!

Now that I've finished painting in the bedroom (at least for now), I thought I'd post a few photos of my work.

Am I pleased with the results? YOU BET I AM! Compared to the old, satin-gloss baby-poop brown that covered the walls, this feels light, fresh, clean and a nice combination of open-yet-intimate. It's a definite improvement! Here's the ceiling 'mandala' surrounding the ceiling light fixture:

Our bedroom ceiling mandala ...

Here's how the walls look:

Across the bedroom ceiling towards the far wall

In case you're interested, the paints are Ralph Lauren, purchased at our local Home Depot. They are from top to bottom: Climbing Lily (the light, springy lemongrass), Aged Mint (a medium-valued turquoise?) and Amethyst Stone (the deep, rich purple). I love them all, but most especially the Climbing Lily. I never would have picked it out, so here's a shout-out to my intrepid designing daughter, Lina.

And here's my project for today/tonight, assembling this little bedside night table that's been languishing in a closet (purchased over two years ago!). I have a bit of concern that it may look too "country" for our bedroom. If that's the case, I may just paint it the Climbing Lily color!?!

Liberated from the closet

That's ALL, folks. Have a great day!

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