Thursday, January 04, 2007

And to recap the holidays, Part II

Dragon Mood? -- downloading

Yosh headed back to Milwaukee right after the Casino Royale movie. S, Lina and I were all sleep-deprived and tired from Christmas... but first, we went to the video/DVD store and got a couple more movies. My memory is that we went home and slept.

Wednesday, each of us had missions. My mission was to buy some badly-needed bras. Lina and I went to Macy's. Serendipitously, they were having an "intimates" sale. I got sized for a bra (thanks, Lina and Oprah!) and with Caroline's help, found one style that I really like! I ended up buying four bras and six pairs of panties. Yay!

I can't remember Lina's mission. We did hit Bath & Body Works and Marshall's, one of her favorite stores. She found a cool item (which I can't reveal here) for Ruth and Paul's home and a lovely male manager (who I suspect is family) gave her a helluva deal on it. To celebrate, we decided to return to Dusty's for some drinks (compliments of a $50 payoff from Yosh on losing a drinking bet).

S's mission was to buy some gifts for her mom and grandma. She went to Schuler's to buy Sally several books. We then joined S at El Azteco for margaritas and yummy Mexican food.

Thursday, S headed up north. Grandma was back in the hospital with frightening swelling in her arm and word of several scary clots close to her heart. (I will blog about this in a separate post.)

Lina and I took it easy and enjoyed one another's company. We watched videos, took naps, got more videos, got Chinese take-out and .... watched more videos?

Friday, we took an easy drive north to visit Grandma in the hospital. Friday was also Sally's 71st birthday, which we celebrated at Spike's. Also celebrating were S's sister, Becky and her daughter, Lydia.

S stayed up north for another day while Lina and I returned to the house in the pine trees. Late Friday night, the dogs were happy to see us and ready for peeing and running around.

Saturday was another low-key day. I honestly can't remember what we did that day, but I'm sure we had fun. Oh yes ... we went to Tar-zhays to pick out an accessorizing item to the can't-tell-you gift item for Ruth and Paul. Oh yes, and we went to Home Depot to PICK OUT COLOR SWATCHES! How could I forget? That was fun! Have I mentioned that I LOVE color!

Saturday night we made popcorn and ... what else? ... watched some videos. What a bunch of futon potatoes we were!

Sunday was readying ourselves and the house for New Year's Eve. We bought groceries, Lina prepared food, S and I tidied the house, I ran the vacuum cleaner and then ...

We had a fashion show. S had put out the word that she was in desperate need of work clothes ... and by golly, Santa had delivered. So Lina and I requested that she give us a fashion show, modeling all her new duds. She gave us a bang-up one! I probably have never mentioned it here, but my partner has got a sexy figure and she wears clothes well. We had lots of fun, commenting on her combinations, take this off, try this on, oh I like those together!

After the fashion show, we all took quick power naps, showered, did our hair and dressed for our BIG intimate NYE gathering. S wore her new, glammy black jacket with a red blouse underneath along with black slacks. Lina was decked out in black, including new, very HOT high-heeled shorty boots. I tried to keep up with my decked-out companions wearing my new-favorite bottle green fine gauge sweater and an Italian scarf from Ruth and Jess.

Our friend, Kevin, arrived mid-evening along with his constant companion, Jack, a muscular little Jack Russell terrier who loves nothing more than to bounce into your lap while you're playing euchre. Oh, hello!

We played euchre right up until midnight, popped some yummy bottles of champagne that Caroline brought from Madison and toasted one another using our ever-so-elegant Waterford champagne flutes. We wandered out onto the deck, enjoying the unseasonably mild air and the almost-full moon that lit up the clear night sky. The night felt gentle and full of promise, a lovely way to celebrate a holiday and start a new year, don't you think?

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