Tuesday, January 16, 2007

About my feet and wool socks

Dragon Mood? -- a teeny-tiny bit chagrined that I'm actually writing about this!

Are you ready for a confession? Well, like old versions of neighborhood nighttime hide-and-seek, here I come, ready or not!

My confession is that I have sweaty feet. Or, to find a more delicate way of saying it -- I have feet that sweat. A lot actually. In the winter, I wear wool socks almost all the time so that the wool can absorb the sweat. From my feet. My feet that sweat. Sometimes, my feet sweat so much, the heavy wool socks actually get damp feeling ... from the sweat. And then my feet get cold. Yecch, I hate that feeling!

That happened today -- actually, just a little while ago. And then I had a brainstorm! You know what I did? I took my heavy wool, slightly damp socks off, put them on a paper towel and nuked them in the microwave for a minute. Yup, I nuked 'em. Isn't that a good idea? And, oh, the result? Ahh, wonderful warmth!

But then I discovered something. Something I've heard from S and Lina and other people close to me who love me. Your feet are stinky! Pewww, your feet smell! And you know what? They're right. My sweaty feet DO smell.

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