Friday, December 15, 2006


Dragon Mood? -- lunchin', munchin' and contented

It's Friday, it's lunchtime and I'm bloggin'. Could life be any better?

Lina and I have been IM-ing one another (in between working) this morning via our Gmail accounts. I am curious to see how Google continues to integrate its numerous applications like Gmail and Writely along with Blogger. What will happen? What new and glorious innovations will they heap upon us? Hmmm?

For my birthday week, this has been a better-than-usual week. Probably one of the happier and more relaxed weeks I've had in several months. I've had a number of people voice back to me how anxious I have been sounding recently ... and honestly, I don't like to have people 'hear' me that way, nor do I want to 'hear' myself that way.

So, the long and short of it is that I'm trying to relax. To relax about this job. To relax about my long-term employment situation. I can remember voicing wa-a-ay back last spring that we would probably have to sell one of the houses by this past summer. Notice the operative word, "past." We have survived past this summer and are continuing to squeak by, month by month. We have survived and hopefully will continue to survive -- two houses, one house or no house.

What's on tap for this weekend?

S and I need to buckle down and get serious about some Christmas shopping. I'm in better shape than she is (I think?) but still have plenty to do.

Tomorrow evening (after our shopping), we are going to babysit both Preston and Madison. We were both feeling particularly brave when we volunteered for this 'mission.' We'll find out if it was a moment of insanity or if we're two grandmas who are really up to the task.

Sunday, I'm hoping to do some more Christmas elf-ing at the dining room table and perhaps get together with our friends, Jeanne and Joanne, for a little holiday libation. Jeanne makes the best dirty martinis! I won't be driving back to the pied-a-terre Sunday evening, so perhaps I can drink!

Monday morning, I have a teeth-cleaning scheduled at my dentist. After that, I'll jump in my trusty little car and head back down here to Motown.

Until then, have a great weekend!

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