Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday morning with my coffee

Dragon Mood? -- surprised and delighted!

Sitting here, drinking my morning coffee, I noticed the first hints of autumn in the air.

But, wait a minute. I feel like blogging so I'll check to see if our computer has emerged from its coma? Yes? Yes! YES!!!! Don't ask me, but it decided to turn on this morning. Hurray!

Anyway ... back to my morning coffee thoughts. Ahem.

Our sadly unhealthy tree out front here at the pied-a-terre has already begun dropping leaves. S mowed and mulched them up last night, not only to make the lawn look better, but to hold autumn, which is NOT SUMMER, at bay, I'm sure.

The air this morning is cool, cool, cool -- refreshingly cool after so much heat and humidity this summer. The temperature and dryness of the air ENERGIZES me! I keep reining myself in -- hold on, you just woke up -- take it easy, enjoy the moment. But it puts me in mind to paint, to ride my bicycle, to make hearty, yummy soups -- oh, so many things! And then, I think of other fall-ish things like football games, bonfires, pumpkins, gourds and all other manner of orange-y goodness! Yup, I LOVE autumn!

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