Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday, week TWO

Dragon Mood? -- antsy

Starting my second week of work today. And Thursday is PAY DAY! Hurray!

Here's what's happened since my last posting:
  • Finished up my first week of four ten-hour days. Whew!
  • Friday felt weird. S called in sick for a mental health day. I think we both felt disoriented by my new schedule. I just felt plain old tired.
  • Picked up medication office samples from my doc's office. Her providing those for me these past months has been a financial lifesaver. Literally!
  • I couldn't and didn't sleep in Saturday morning. ArrrghhHH! So darn fatigued!
  • S and I shopped until I almost dropped Saturday afternoon for the big, upcoming baby shower. S spent an obscene amount of money. I'll save my soapbox on that subject for offline.
  • We hit Buddies again (second Saturday in a row!) for nachos and a mug of beer. S got on a talking jag until I almost fell asleep sitting up.
  • Thankfully, she noticed how truly tired I was. We went home, got horizontal, I crashed. I slept for over two-and-a-half hours. You think I was maybe a little tired?
  • S and I watched three DVDs this weekend:
    • Eight Below which made my heart hurt. Those dogs have such soulful eyes! Reminded me of how much I wanted to and yet hated watching Lassie as a kid. Anxiety, nervousness, sadness! Oh, the angst!
    • Failure to Launch which never got off the ground for me -- what a dumb premise for a movie!
    • And finally, TransAmerica, which I was all set to really like; again, it just didn't work for me. We listened to some of the director's commentary before watching the movie; he said the movie was really about parenting. Then why make said parent a transsexual? Bree's coming to terms with her sexuality completely overshadowed her coming to terms with being a parent, IMHO. Oh well!
  • Sunday I slept until 11 o'clock. Yup, ELEVEN! It's the first day that I truly felt rested since starting these crazy hours.
  • S finally got to waterproof the deck. All the interruptions over the past several weeks had made her cranky about the slow progress. I was very happy she was finally able to finish it.
  • I made banana/oatmeal/blueberry bread. Turned out yummy!
  • I deskunked the dog. Damn dog -- she acts like SUCH a dog sometimes! Here's the recipe:

    Vet-approved Deskunking Recipe

    1 tsp. dishsoap (preferably a degreasing one like Dawn)
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp. baking soda
    1 qt. hydrogen peroxide
    Mix all together and apply to the dog's fur. Rinse thoroughly.

    After applying the deskunking stuff to her face, ruff and shoulders, I drug her inside into the bathroom and thoroughly bathed her, with two latherings and two rinses. We can still smell eau d' skunk right around her skunk-sniffing nose. I couldn't scrub on that too much, unfortunately.
  • Sat out on the deck and visited with our pushing-eighty neighbor, Bill. The old guy, I'm coming to conclude, is overly preoccupied with sex. He keeps bringing it up and S and I comment politely or clam up with no further conversation. (sigh) Geez, you'd think he'd take a clue!
  • Chased dust bunnies and cleaned the floors in anticipation of a house-full of people again next weekend. Grandma and Sally are coming down for the big baby shower. Yosh is taking the ferry over from Cheeseland just to visit. I'm looking forward to his visit.
  • Had a nice long telephone conversation with our friend, Joanne. Joanne has had quite a tumultuous summer selling her mom's house and moving her out of her residence of many, many years. In a family of many, it sounds like much of the work and decision-making fell to one, just Joanne. It sounds like a marathon of exhaustion and stress to me!
  • Also had a late-night telephone conversation with Dad and Evelyn while I drove to the pied-a-terre. It's become quite the routine for them and me, a good routine, and something to which I believe we both look forward.
That's ALL, folks!

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