Monday, February 27, 2006

There's funk and then there's FUNK

Dragon Mood? -- nervous ... and this Dragon doesn't do well feeling nervous!

Over the past several postings, I used the adjective "funky" numerous times to describe an environment I thought was fun and quaint/retro/dated and really quite charming.

Well ... there's funky and then there's FUNK ... as in, how I'm feeling this morning.

While I should be working, I feel the need to jump "over" to this little computer and take a few minutes to write about my feelings. I'm feeling anxious about getting a job and the long-term prospects.

I made the mistake (thinking I was being proactive) of logging onto and perusing the current listings. Pretty slim pickin's, if you know what I mean. Arrgh! Scary.

S and I had a pretty frank, straight-talking conversation (as straight as two lesbians can have, ha-ha) about our near-term prospects. S is anticipating (as only a far-sighted Aquarian can) that she will be asked (or mandated) to take a paycut in the very near future -- like the end of April and in the neighborhood of a 5 to 6% cut. If that happens (and I still don't have a secure job), we will definitely have to take some actions. Like selling a house. Yeah ... scary stuff.

At the same time, to her credit, S is encouraging me to get a job that I like, not just a get-by job. Which, given that my work for the last 16 years(!) has been to "get by" is a tremendously appealing prospect. And, need I mention, frightening at the same time?

Oh, I was feeling so calm and at peace yesterday. How could that have evaporated so quickly in so brief a time? ArrghhH!

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