Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunday, Sunday

Dragon Mood? -- Sunday morning stuporous (is that a word?)
S and I stayed up late last night watching "The Forgotten," starring Julianne Moore, which sadly I found quite forgettable. Other than watching Moore's beautiful mane of red hair and the lovely porcelain-like quality of her skin, the movie was just underwhelming.

After midnight, we started watching "Searching for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe," a one-woman extravaganza starring the inimitable Lily Tomlin. I must confess I fell asleep part way through (due to the late hour), but I woke up in the middle of the "feminist" segment where Lily is channeling about six different people, including Lyn, Bob, Edie, and Marge. It is a remarkable performance. Jane Wagner, the screenwriter (and also Lily's partner), writes such snappy "dialogue" that I think I could watch this numerous times and still find more content. I would like to get a copy of this on VHS or on DVD. I don't know if it's available.

I'm going to go make some banana/blueberry/oatmeal/flaxseed bread before noon yet. That's when the game starts. You know, THE game. Then I'm going to morph into a combo rabid Spartan fan/couch potato (actually, if you must know, I'm a futon potato). I feel pretty confident that MSU can handle the Hoosiers easily, but overconfidence can be deadly, especially in college sports. Let's hope for the best!

That's all, folks!

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