Thursday, February 10, 2005

It's a Good Day

I'm feeling particularly happy today.

And here are some of the reasons:

-- I got my "numbers" back from my labwork last Saturday. They are excellent! My cholesterol dropped over 100 points! My insulin is back in the normal range (barely). My cholesterol-to-HDL ratio puts me in the "half the normal" risk group! I couldn't have dreamed they would be this good!

-- The Spartans beat the Buckeyes last night, 83-69! S and I listened to the game on the radio, her catching up on the latest issue of Newsweek and me madly practicing my continental knitting on my felted hat project. It was an exciting way to spend the evening and a lovely way to be together.

-- Today is my last work day of the week. I have tomorrow (Friday) off and Monday, Valentine's Day, as well. I am so-o-oo looking forward to a four-day weekend, to take care of me!

-- I am excited about going to a new knitting store that I've heard about, a place called ThreadBear Fiber Arts. I hear they have nice yarns there. I have a quick-knit project in mind for a certain partner who shall remain nameless who is about to have a birthday!

-- And finally, the sun is supposed to show its shining face today, and in Michigan, that is always a red-letter day!

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