Saturday, February 26, 2005

the LAST weekend in February!

Dragon Mood? -- quivering with dragon anticipation

It's Saturday morning (one of my favorite times to blog!) AND it's the last weekend in February! Hurray!!

Here are some more things I'm excited about:
  • The sun is shining here in Michigan -- always a red-letter event! A-aa-aaand, I can actually see that the days are starting to get a little longer (*sharp intake of breath*). The wheel of the seasons is turning (ever so slowly, it seems) and we are heading for lovely, delightful spring and the rebirth of God's green heaven here in Michigan.
  • I received two contacts by headhunters this week. (Imagine that, two in one week!) While these were not sterling employment opportunities, it does tell me that my resume out on the Michigan Jobs Bank site is garnering at least some attention.
  • Last night, I saw S in her new "dark rum" heavy cotton canvas duster from L.L. Bean. I bought it for her as a "Polish-wedding" extension of her birthday, a week earlier. It was a slight extravagance for me, as money is rather tight (when is it not?), but the look on her face as she modeled it for me made it a most worthwhile extravagance. Your new coat looks gorgeous on you, hon!
  • Tomorrow is the anniversary of my creating Calypso Dragon 13. I have my cyber-savvy daughter, Lina, to thank for inspiring me, encouraging me and lending all kinds of technical support to my neophyte-blogging endeavors. Thanks, Lina!!
  • I am still high and flying from the Spartans' great win over Wisconsin in men's college basketball Thursday evening. They beat them convincingly, 77-64. Bo Ryan, the Wisconsin team coach, tried to spin the story that he doesn't follow streaks. Bah, humbug, Bo! Go sell your kind of crazy somewhere else!
  • A determined Spartan, Alan Anderson
  • The other part of the Spartans' win that I'm still excited about is Alan Anderson's outstanding game. I think I'm gonna have to put his cute little countenance on my blog to honor him and his unselfish, go-get-'em attitude. Yeah, Alan! (Also, a big shout-out to the photographer who took this photo, Kevin Fowler, for the Lansing State Journal.)
  • I'm pleased-as-Punch (does that refer to a Punch-and-Judy puppeteering show? -- gotta check on that) about the results of felting my first knitted winter hat. I have to take a picture of the results so I can publish 'before' and 'after' pix. Hopefully, that will be soon(!)
  • Poking around on the web, I have discovered a wealth of blogs and general sites devoted to knitting and knitting projects. Most of them are by women, although I discovered a webring of men knitters.
    Queer Knitters webring

    Also, did you know there's a webring of queer knitters? Many of these sites are extremely well-done, and chockfull of great pictures, patterns and inspiration to less-experienced knitters (like me). Just looking at some of them, like knitty fires me up and inspires me to pull out my knitting needles for a just a few more rows.

  • A little surrogate or "by-way-of" excitement as S prepares to become a grandma for the first time. We were (secretly) rooting for a little Aquarian, but as that is not to be, we're just hoping for a healthy baby and an easy birthing for Lindsey. We can't wait to see you and hold you, Preston!
  • March begins Tuesday. On March 16th, S (I hope) and I will head to Wisconsin for reconnecting with our two across-the-lake children, lots of great March Madness basketball, bowls and bowls of garlic-seasoned popcorn, a beer or two (grinning), a glass or three of wine (the redder, the better!) and maybe even the presence of my dear nephew, Aaron, or his crazy-sweet mama, Ruthie. Oh, the fun we will have!
  • Saturday always feels like a day full of POSSIBILITIES! To a dragon Sagittarian like myself, that alone is enough to get my adrenaline pumping. Yeah for possibilities!!!

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