Thursday, July 22, 2004

A Funny Story

Dragon Mood? -- amused

My parents visited S and me in May. During part of their stay, they traveled to Cadillac, Michigan, to see some friends. It turns out these friends were driving a new Buick SUV. When my parents returned to our house, they were telling S and I about the car and how much they liked it. They couldn't remember the name, but I asked if it was the Rendezvous? You know, the one that Tiger Woods promotes in TV commercials? Yeah, they said, that's the one.

After completing a whole bunch of other tasks on their to-do list, my parents were finally ready to sell their two cars and buy a new one. They visited a dealer last week and negotiated to trade in their Cadillac DeVille and their Chevy Tahoe for a new Buick Rendezvous. It was virtually an even trade and they called us to tell us about their new car. Dad said he really liked the "heads-up display" on the windshield.

Tuesday night, I was talking to him on the phone, He said they had discovered that they didn't like the hatchback door on the Rendezvous; it's so big and long that it actually hit their garage door when opened. They also didn't like the sunroof, as it evidently allowed more heat in this new car. (They live in central Texas.) And Evelyn kept saying that she didn't remember their friends' car in Cadillac being like this new Rendezvous.

Dad casually mentioned that day they had gone back to the dealership to get their plates. And, oh, by the way, they traded in the Rendezvous for a Buick Ranier. What?!? You traded in the car you just bought four days ago for another car?? Yup, that's what they did.

It turns out their friends' car was a Ranier all along, and that was the car they both liked.

I told Dad they got their "R-" words mixed up! He laughed and agreed.

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