Monday, July 19, 2004


Dragon Mood? -- a dragon with no heartburn!
I'm back from my two-week "layoff," feeling rested, refreshed and centered. 
Aren't vacations wonderful?

The "centered" part of my outlook is the most critical as it speaks to balance in my life. Right now, I'm feeling pretty balanced.  The other fifty weeks of the year, my life feels more out of balance, the scales tipped way toward the working side and time spent that is not my own.
How is it possible to re-create a sense of centeredness without quitting my job?  Let me rephrase that question:  Is it possible to re-create a sense of centeredness while working forty hours a week, maintaining two homes, nourishing and sustaining a valuable relationship and not being on vacation??? 
I hope I can retain this feeling for even a few days.

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