Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fiery, relaxing Sunday

Dragon Mood? -- dragons LOVE fire!

Sunday morning was my morning to sleep in. Lina and I postponed our dragon-y bonfire two nights in a row due to tiredness. Sunday morning was our last chance.

I woke up sometime around 9. One of my first thoughts was, "I bet Caroline is already up, thinking about starting that fire." Then I heard a noise outside that I didn't recognize. I got up out of bed and looked out the window. There she was, already dressed, standing at the woodpile, selecting various pieces of wood.

I dressed quickly and headed out to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Caroline had the fire going already, in the firepit on the lower deck. I scouted up some more small pieces of wood while she tended the fire.

Happy dragons! Happy bonfire.

We sat around the fire for at least three hours. Mostly we burned wild cherry wood (a.k.a. chokecherry), but there were two or three pieces of oak and hickory that burned slow and hot. Oh, the scent of burning wood was wonderful!

More to come ....

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