Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June Twenty-Third

Dragon Mood? -- marking the passage of time in wonder!

Today is a day filled with remarkable events.

Here are the first four that come to mind for me:
  • President Obama accepted the resignation of U.S. General Stanley McChrystal, the chief military officer of the war in Afghanistan, after he made unprofessional remarks in an interview with the magazine, Rolling Stone
  • A 5.0 earthquake hit in Ontario with shocks felt in Boston, Cleveland and Detroit (lucky or not, I felt nothing)
  • Federal investigators handed down a 19-count indictment against former Detroit mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick.  Insiders say this is only the tip of the iceberg in prosecuting his misdeeds.
  • On a more personal note, today, June 23rd is the day that my ex-husband and I married. If we were still married, this would be our 37th anniversary. I must admit I'm amazed to think about the passage of that much time!  As a young, brash 20-something, I could never have anticipated the twists and turns of my life as they've occurred.

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