Monday, June 28, 2010

Exercise as a drug

Dragon Mood? -- what are the implications for me?

While surfing around the web, I ran across a site authored by a Dr. Mercola, MD. Usually I regard these types of sites as quasi-spam, but reading his content, it actually made some sense to me.

I particularly liked this quote below:
I actually view exercise as a drug with regard to being properly prescribed and having proper dosage, And it's one that you can readily substitute for some of the most common drugs used today for things like diabetes, heart disease and depression. All of these conditions will improve with exercise and with the help of an experienced natural health care clinician.

... And as I've explained on countless occasions, normalizing your insulin levels is the most important factor for optimizing your overall health and preventing disease of all kinds, from diabetes, to heart disease, to cancer, and everything in between.

It runs neck and neck with vitamin D as the two most important physical elements that you can do to improve your health.

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