Monday, March 13, 2006

Google acquires Writely!

Dragon Mood? -- dragons acquire glittery things

You know, I honestly don't remember how I learned about Writely. But, as soon as I tried it, I liked it! And now, I learn that they have been bought up by Google. Imagine that!

And .... I had no idea that Writely has a Blogspot blog. Duh! Here's what the folks at Writely have to say:

Here are our "top 10" reasons why being part of Google is fantastic for Writely and the Writely team:

10. Writely is like a caterpillar that we hope to make into a beautiful butterfly at Google!
9. We love Google's philosophy and values -- especially "Focus on the user."
8. We're as passionate as Google is about respecting users' privacy.
7. Many of our users are already Google fans using other Google services.
6. Being at Google will help us do more great things faster.
5. Some people didn't feel comfortable trusting a tiny startup with their documents...and we're no longer a tiny startup.
4. We like lava lamps and they're pretty much standard decor at Google.
3. Three words: Free Googleplex lunches ;)
2. As fun as it's been to launch a popular, global, 24x7 Web service, it'll be nice to take a vacation once in a while!
...and the number one reason???
1. We'll be able to bring Writely to not just thousands but millions of users -- the more, the merrier :-)

So, I want to continue to use Writely. Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

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