Sunday, August 01, 2004

Waning Gibbous

Dragon Mood? -- moon-struck!

I can't believe I didn't post about this -- yet!

Late Friday evening, actually early Saturday morning, we had a blue moon. It was the second full moon for the month of July and it was a beauty! (See CNN's interesting article about blue moons and the origin of the adjective, "blue.")

Well, actually it was a beauty last night, Saturday night. Friday night it was overcast and raining here in our neck of the woods, so there was no moon to be seen. But, last night, S and I took a sweet, unexpectedly delightful walk through the neighborhood, the dog in dog-heaven, running from this rapturous scent to that one, and the moon cast its cool moonrays over all three of us.

I just checked Calypso Dragon's sister site, Bliggity Bloggity Blog, where there is a moon phase chart and it tells me that the moon is now Waning Gibbous. Some how, I feel sad just hearing that term. Sad, -- but also put in mind of declining monkeys?

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