Thursday, May 06, 2010

Photoshop installed

Dragon Mood? -- excited

Sometimes, I hold off, waiting to do something when I should just jump in and do it. I just DID it!

One year as a Christmas gift, S gave me a copy of Photoshop. What a treat! Over the years, I have played and played inside of it, learning little bits here and there, accumulating knowledge. Words don't begin to convey my pleasure working with PS. It's just a phenomenal piece of software.

Anyway ... I finally installed it on my laptop, FINALLY! It's so much faster, more responsive than it was on the old dog desktop. I still have files I need to transfer but at least now, I've got Photoshop HERE where I'm spending most of my computer face time. Whoo-hoo, Yippee and a bunch of other jump-in-the-air exclamations!

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