Thursday, May 27, 2010

A la Mary Poppins!

Dragon Mood? -- smiling as I remember

I dreamt last night that I was back at my former employer, working on a temporary, contract status. It was Friday afternoon and I watched all my former colleagues walk out, heading home for the weekend.

I stayed until after four o'clock, got my coat and walked out. Outside it was winter and there were huge embankments of snow piled up and pushed up against tall white factory building walls. I started walking on one of these embankments, not seeing a way to get to my car. The embankment narrowed and narrowed until I had no choice other than to slide down it or turn around and retrace my steps. A la Mary Poppins, I lifted my arm above my head (unfortunately, sans umbrella) and stepped/slid down the steep wall of snow as though it were nothing. I remember feeling very pleased with myself that I wasn't afraid or hesitant.

As I got in my car, I suddenly remembered that I would be camping next week by the lake and gee, I didn't tell anyone at work about this. I mulled it over for a few minutes and decided, "Hey, they laid me off once, what do I have to be afraid of? I'm going camping."

A pretty cavalier attitude about a job to be sure, but then again, it WAS a dream!

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