Sunday, September 21, 2008

This whole $700 billion thing

Dragon Mood? -- mad, angry, pissed off

Yes, this whole $700 billion bailout has got me pretty steamed! When individuals lose their homes, conservatives are quick to blame and to judge, "Loser! They should have made better choices. Poor decision-making. What were they thinking?" When Wall Street fat cats greedily drive their companies into bankruptcy, conservatives, quickly resort to fear and yell, "We must DO something or the economy will FAIL!"

Here's what Robert Kuttner opines in the Huffington Post (clearly not a non-partisan source):
[Secretary of Treasury Henry] Paulson's bill would give him carte blanche to spend up to $700 billion over the next 24 months to buy toxic securities from financial firms. This presumably would "unclog" capital markets, the financial economy would begin functioning normally again, and then the government would recoup what it could.

The plan is outrageous on several levels. It demands nothing from these firms in return. It holds the Treasury Secretary accountable to no one. And it extends the most generous terms to Wall Street while offering nothing to Main Street.
I hope Nancy Pelosi and company up on the Hill really hold Palson's feet to the fire on this one. I am PISSED!

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