Monday, July 23, 2007

In a word, "BYOO-TUH-FULL"

Dragon Mood? -- languorously remembering

BYOO-TUH-FULL is the word for this past weekend. It was a picture-perfect weekend in terms of weather, activities and enjoyment. Settle in and let me tell you ...

S and I had a leisurely leaving of the pied-a-terre on Friday evening. She and I putzed, her outside on our new picnic table, me on the computer. She drank a few beers, I polished off a bottle of Crane Lake Cab. She took a shower and a quick nap. I putzed some more, working on our neighbor, Jan's, resume.

We finally pulled things together about 9 or so and got on the road. S suggested we find a Big Boy and get a Number #1 breakfast. I was hungry myself but wasn't optimistic we would find a Big Boy en route. Amazingly, we did -- off the Novi exit and to the left. We chowed down like truck drivers.

We got back on the road and headed home to the pine trees, now with it quite late. The last half hour of the trip, I was really fighting sleep, a combination of fatigue and all those carbs elevating and then dropping my blood sugar, I'm sure. I had the windows open, the radio cranked up and I was lightly slapping my face just to keep myself awake! Sheesh! Scary drive.

Saturday morning, I slept 'til past ten. I guess I was tired. I showered and headed out to do some errands. I picked up coffee at Horrocks. I also hit their garden center and bought ten little pots of different ornamental grasses -- blue fescue ('Elijah Blue'), some porcupine grass, some grass whose name escapes me now but the variety was 'Karl Forster' and one maiden grass meant to be a specimen in our pied-a-terre backyard. I had fun picking those out! I hit a MacDonalds for one of their new southwest salads (pretty good!) and then headed back to the east side of town.

At Tar-zhay, I bought myself a cute little straw purse on sale ($3.74!), some black trouser socks with bamboo(!) in them and the new Harry Potter book, on sale, for $17-something. I also bought mundane things like toothpaste, a couple of pens and some baby wipes (for us fifty-something babies).

Mid-afternoon, I headed to the hair salon and got my hair cut -- FINALLY! It had been over ten weeks since my last one, and the hair was looking very mop-like. Now, it looks and feels better!

From there, I joined S and we met up with Mark, Lindsey and toddler, Preston, at Reno's outdoor dining area for a late afternoon birthday celebration to mark Mark's 25th birthday. It had been literally months since I had seen them last, so we had a lot of catching up to do. In the five weeks since I started my new job, Mark had lost his. We talked about that, Lindsey's job, as well as all the new and exciting things that Preston is learning or discovered. For a two-and-a-half year old, Preston did amazingly well at the restaurant.

S and I took Preston home with us for the night, while Mark and Lindsey headed off to a party with their friends. Preston and Grandma toddled around the yard, watering the grass, checking out the aluminum fishing boat as well as the kayaks. Preston was very excited and interested in "Grandma's TRUCK!," "Grandma's camper," "Grandma's BOAT!," and "Grandma's kayak." The caps tell you the level of enthusiasm.

Preston finally crashed between 10 and 10:30. After multiple starts and stops, S and I finally got to watch our new copy of "The Big Chill" DVD. Amazingly, that was the first time that S had ever seen the movie in its entirety.

All three of us slept until 9 a.m. Sunday morning. Preston came toddling out of the guest bedroom, looking for the "grandmas" and ready for action. I jumped up and made coffee while S pulled Preston into bed with her for a few minutes of snuggling and then a diaper change. When I checked next, Preston and Grandma were both running around naked, Preston sitting on the potty (and using it!), Grandma pulling on her nylon shorts and a tank top for the day.

We hung out on the deck until Mark and Lindsey showed up. We ate grapes and clementines (I had bought them at Horrocks the day before for Preston -- I didn't know you could get Clementines in summer!), Little Debbie Pecan Pinwheels and some Bob Evans little sausages that Preston insisted on stuffing into his mouth in one bite.

After they left, S and I snoozed on the couch for awhile. It felt like a relaxing, lazy Sunday. Mid-afternoon, we pulled things together and headed over to our friends, J & J, to take our kayaks out on the lake. Like I said earlier, the weather, the temperature, the sky was picture-perfect!

Other than my slipping right into the water on their concrete boat launch (slippery with algae!), and the pleasures of kayaking with a 70-lb wet furball in my kayak, our time out on the water was fun and relaxing. We paddled here, we paddled there, around the lake at J & J's house. We watched people, we watched birds, we listened to the breeze on the water, we heard frogs. Cisco was in dog heaven out there, ears up and on full alert!

We got home shortly after six, I immediately headed for the shower and washed off lake and dog fur. I was on the road to the pied-a-terre before 7. Upon arrival down here, Jan and Tom invited me over for a glass of wine, which I appreciatively accepted. About 9:30, I climbed into bed for a 'date' with Harry P. and friends. Lights out before 10:30. I never heard S come in.

In a word, this weekend was "byoo-tuh-full."

Friday, July 20, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- gleeful

A week from tonight (Friday), S and I will be in Chicago, meeting up with my sister, Ruth, and heading north to Madison to see my lovely mijita, Lina. We're gathering to tote boxes, unwrap dishes, paint doors and generally help her move and HOUSEWARM her new little abode.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- thankful and happy

Week five . . . I'm in the middle of week FIVE at my brand new job! I can report -- happily -- that I was busy today and relishing the challenges of my job. HURRAY!

Have I mentioned how THANKFUL I am to have this job?

Sensory and NEW!

Dragon Mood? -- loving sensory things

Can you imagine the pleasure of a BRAND NEW sensory experience at the ripe age of fifty-four? Allow me to enlighten you!

S and I were up north this past weekend (Cisco, too!).     Saturday evening, we went to Michelle and Jim's home for supper (Michelle is S's sister). Dinner was fashionably late (ten o'clock), but while dinner cooked, Jim introduced us to this vibrating spider-like contraption that you or another person can use to stroke your hair and scalp. (I thought of YOU, Lina!) It was WONDERFUL! Most relaxing! I think we may have to ask Santa for one in our stocking!

The OTHER sensory experience I had that night was ear candling. I had never heard of it before Saturday night. Simply never heard of it. Jim came out of the bedroom or bathroom with this 10 or 12" long tapered candle-looking like thing. It actually felt like waxed cloth or waxed heavy paper that was spiraled into a long, slender conical shape. You could see through it from one end to the other.

I laid on the sofa on my side with my head relatively horizontal. Jim took a paper plate, made a nickel-sized hole in the center, placed the ear candle through the hole, lit the top of the cone and gently placed it in my ear. I really can't say that I experienced any sounds or smells with the procedure, although after about ten minutes I felt some pressure inside my ear and pushed the ear candle away from my head slightly.

When he was done, he showed me that there was this pale yellowish powder inside the hollow candle. This was (supposedly) the stuff that the ear candle had drawn out of my ear, wax and dirt and dead cells, I guess. I tapped some of it into my hand, smeared it on my palm and smelled it. It smelled waxy and slightly burnt, but it certainly didn't have the smell of the detritus that comes out of one's belly button or behind your ears when you haven't washed for several days. It didn't smell funky at all.

I will admit that I had my reservations about ear candling's efficacy, but I also was enjoying Jim's ministrations. Being the go-for-the-gusto dragon that I am, I asked him if he would do my other ear too? Sure, he replied.

So, he did the other ear, with pretty much the same results. Pale yellowish powder, no funky smell.

When we got home, I googled ear candling and got an EARFUL (ha-ha). Here's what one typical site said:
Why Ear Candling Is Not a Good Idea

"Ear candling," also known as auricular candling or coning, refers to various procedures that involve placing a cone-shaped device in the ear canal and supposedly extracting earwax and other impurities with the help of smoke or a burning wick. The origins of candling are obscure. Ancient Tibet, China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, and even the mythical city of Atlantis are cited as possible contributors. The procedures supposedly create a low-level vacuum that draws wax and other debris out of the ear canal. Some proponents even claim that impurities are removed from the inner ear, the facial sinuses, or even the brain itself, all of which are somehow connected to the canal.

... Since wax is sticky, the negative pressure needed to pull wax from the canal would have to be so powerful that it would rupture the eardrum in the process. However, candling produces no vacuum. Researchers who measured the pressure during candling of ear models found that no negative pressure was created. The same investigators candled eight ears and found that no ear wax was removed and candle wax was actually deposited in some of them!

The Bottom Line

For most people, ear wax moves along the ear canal and eventually makes it to the outside, taking with it any accumulated dirt or other matter. Compacted ear wax should be removed by a physician or other health professional using legitimate instruments. Candling is both ineffective and dangerous.
(sigh) So much for new sensory experiences, huh! I probably won't do any more ear candling. I'm glad I can say that I tried it though. But, then there's that vibrating spider thing ...

Friday, July 13, 2007

A jim-dandy of a word!

From Word of the Day:

triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.

Triskaidekaphobia is from Greek treiskaideka, triskaideka, thirteen (treis, three + kai, and + deka, ten) + phobos, fear.

In Christian countries the number 13 was considered unlucky because there were 13 persons at the Last Supper of Christ. Fridays are also unlucky, because the Crucifixion was on a Friday. Hence a Friday falling on the thirteenth day is regarded as especially unlucky.

Some famous triskaidekaphobes include:
Herbert Hoover
Mark Twain
Richard Wagner
Franklin Roosevelt
Have a GREAT day!   And I mean it!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- aquiver

Do you know what tomorrow is? Do you? It's a Friday the Thirteenth! Whoo-hoo! I love 'dose THIRTEENS! My lucky number .... :-)

And Happy Birthday, Mark and Tim! Happy 25th! Love you guys!

Thankfully coming to a close

Dragon Mood? -- not sad to see it end

As I have referenced many, many times before in this blog, I have been without permanent employment for the past eighteen months. Just since mid-June, have I started a job which hopefully I will work at for a long time to come.

Every Thursday I like to check Astrodienst because they offer astrological horoscopes with more substance, less haranguing for money and what sounds like frequently right-on observations about the possibilities confronting me. Here's one that I've seen for many months and can happily say is just about over:
Valid during many months: During this time you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want, and you may have to focus the available resources on more restricted and concentrated objectives. The effects of this influence are several. First, structure in your life will change significantly, but not suddenly or without warning. The changes brought about during this time are inherent in what is being changed, if you look carefully. It is rather like an inevitable conclusion of a situation. During this period some things will come to an end or an old order of life will cease. On a metaphysical level, this influence means that factors are now being incorporated into the structure of your life that will later bring about evolution and growth. This process involves getting rid of old structures. What happens now will have great consequences in fourteen years.

On a material level, this influence often causes financial problems or other kinds of shortages. Sometimes government or other officials will impose heavy burdens that greatly restrict your freedom of movement. It is also possible that some incident or accident may affect your health and thereby restrict your freedom of movement.

All of these effects confine your energies so that later they can be focused upon matters that will require your full attention. If your energy is spread too thin, later crises will be much more difficult to bear. Then you will have to go through a most unpleasant house- cleaning of everything in your life that interferes with your natural pattern of evolution.

As you are more and more restricted by circumstances and the need to use your resources conservatively, do not simply hold in your energies. Build new structures to correct the problems you face now, and concentrate all your energy on bringing about necessary evolution in your life.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Conjunction Pluto SaturnConjunctionPluto,
activity period from beginning of October 2006 until 17 July 2007.

I didn't know how to spell my own name!

Dragon Mood? -- chagrined!

Feeling both quite smart and quite dumb at the moment. I got an email from the developer of Pictobrowser asking about my previous post.

After a couple of emails back and forth, he ("d" as in Diego?) said "oh, wait! your Flickr userName is "calypso Dragon 13"

Uh ... yeah, it is but I didn't know it would accept the spaces and the caps! Duh, I am CHAGRINED!

So, here's another SHOUT-OUT to Pictobrowser. It's one darn cool and simply ELEGANT widget!

Oh yeah ... I forgot about the photos. These are from March, 2007, when most of us gathered in Chicago to celebrate St. Paddy's Day and watch college basketball like there's no tomorrow! Can't wait for next year!

UPDATE: His name is Diebo Bauducco. Here's his website. He's obviously one bad-ass designer and coder. Talent!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The coolest widget

Dragon Mood? -- excited in a cyber-geekish sort of way?

Once upon a time, there was this cool widget called Pictobrowser that displays Flickr photos in -- did I say how cool it was? -- the coolest way. But I couldn't get the damn thing to work for me. Hah ... until I resorted to copying someone ELSE'S html code from their page source and substituting my own Flickr userID and set number. Sheesh! So much for ease and user friendliness!

Heh-heh, heh-heh .... but it WORKS!

Monday, July 09, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- thankful and happy

HEY . . . . I started my FOURTH week at my still-shiny-new job today. Things are going well. I like my job. My only regret is that I don't get to surf and blog on the internet while I'm at work. Damn! What an inhibiting rule! Don't they know that us Sagittarians like our FREEDOM?

My new word

Dragon Mood? -- etymologically creative

It's Monday night, S and I are both back here at the pied-a-terre ... and I'm just PER-PLUNKED! My new word. It's derivation makes no sense, but it rolls nicely around in the mouth and the tongue, so I'm stickin' with it. PER-PLUNKED!

What does it mean?

Hmm .... (thinkin')

Kind of Monday-night tired, a mite crabby with the heat and looking forward to swishing my feet around under cool, cotton sheets.


At least for THIS day!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Memorable Fourth of July nights

Dragon Mood? -- happy and tired

Ten twenty-six, Fourth of July night and things are a-boomin' and a-poppin' around here. Anybody and everybody who's got fireworks is out settin' 'em off! Happy FOURTH of July, everybody!

I'm back here at the pied-a-terre, gettin' ready to head to bed ... so I can be ready to head to WORK tomorrow morning. Driving down here this evening, I was reminiscing and remembering some memorable Fourth of July nights that S and I've had together.

Like the Fourth up in Copper Harbor, at the national park. We were camping in the playground of the park, it was so insanely full! We watched fireworks, drank beer and played cribbage until four in the morning. Then we hiked a ways to a park bathroom to pee, brush our teeth and get ready for bed ... and some weirdo teenage kid was peeping in the women's bathroom. Scared the sh*t out of us!

Like the Fourth, driving through western South Dakota on the freeway, observing one little rural town after another's fireworks displays from a distance. It felt intimate and distant at the same time and I felt so happy and proud to be American that night.

Like the Fourth last year. We were at Riverfront Park in Lansing, with two of S's three sons, two wives, one grandbaby. It was Preston's first Fourth as a toddler and Mark held him in his arms, oohing and aahing with each poof and pffft and fizzle of the fireworks.

Sweet memories!

And tonight, I'm thinking of my sweetie at home in the pines. And my sweet kidlets down on the farm in Texas, with my sister and my dad and my aunts and uncles and cousins. Ohh, I bet they're having a good time! Drinkin' and playin' Spite and Malice. Maybe shootin' off some fireworks? Maybe watching the stars in that Texas night sky that seems to go on forever and ever?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Dragon Mood? -- freedom-loving patriot



    of   J U L Y ! !

Insomnia ... AGAIN!

Dragon Mood? -- rubbing her sleepy dragon eyes sleepily

While my dear partner, S, is 75 miles away -- on vacation(!) -- I'm here, at the pied-a-terre, supposedly working, er, make that, supposedly SLEEPING ... but I'm not sleeping well when my bedpartner is 75 miles away and it is now 5 minutes to 4. Four A.M.! Grrr ... I don't LIKE having insomnia!

P.S. Just call me ... AND ...

I think Punkymoods needs to add an emoticon for INSOMNIA!