Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday night dream #1

Dragon Mood? -- just read the post and then you'll know

"Plain Jane" and "slightly obsessive" are the phrases I would use to describe my typical dreams. If I told you I had vivid dreams Friday night, would you believe me? Vivid, I tell you. Capitol V - I - V - I - D!

My first dream began like this:
I was in an unknown place, with too many walls, no natural light and full of 90 degree turns. There was a cat in my dream that appeared to be all by itself and very shy of humans, as well. I picked it up once and then set it back down.

More time went by in the dream and I picked the cat up once again. It was a short hair cat and it still had all its claws. The most remarkable thing about it was that its fur was comprised of stripes, tiny colorful stripes, and even more remarkable, there were blue stripes on this cat!

As I was holding the cat, I continued to admire its beautiful coloring. It lay still in my arms. Then it turned its head to look at me and I noticed its head was rather flat for a cat. Did this cat even have ears? I don't recall now. Its head actually had a reptilian quality to it. Then, as the cat turned away from me, I noticed that its head looked more like a snake's head than a cat's.

Dream or no dream, I hate snakes! I immediately put the reptilian cat down and it slunk away. Whew!

End of dream.

My Dragon Mood? -- Label me "totally creeped out"

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