Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Socializing Saturday

Dragon Mood? -- a slightly hungover, draggin' dragon

Saturday was alllll about S, Lina and me socializing.

We went over to J & J's in the early afternoon, with Dakota Suzita as our fourth (and canine) female. Crabby Yellow Dog we left at home.

We spent a glorious couple of hours out on J & J's pontoon, enjoying the midday sun, the nice cold beers (I drank water -- mostly) and the pleasant camaraderie of our friends. We talked about this and that in our meandering conversations and though we didn't solve any of the world's persistent problems, IT WAS FUN!

Around 4 o'clock, the sun was noticeably lower in the sky, the temperature started to cool and Captain J announced it was time to go in -- she had to go to the bathroom.

We said our goodbyes to J & J, took Dakota back to the house, picked up more beer for our next social engagement and headed over to Matt & Sarah's house.

Wow! -- talk about a beehive of activity. There were probably five guys along with Matt up on the roof, repairing the sub-surface on the back of the house and shingling on the front. They all had that slightly dazed look of guys workin' their butts off on an activity they're not exactly used to; tired, sore and ready for quittin' time. But they persevered while they had daylight and even then some.

S and Caroline and I wandered around the house, greeting all the different family members and exchanging hugs. Caroline got to see Madison Hope for the first time. The baby was all decked out in a sweet little print frock with a onesie underneath. Like all newborn babies, she slept, got hungry, got fed, peed, pooped, repeat. Unlike other babies (that I've experienced), this little gal likes to stre-e-e-etch those long, thin legs of hers O-U-T and flex her ankles too. I've never seen a baby do that like Madison does.

We hung around for several hours, holding the baby, watching the MSU-U of M debacle of a football game (U of M won, 31-13) and the glorious, joyous winning game of the Tigers/Yankees post-season series. The Tigers beat them, 8-3, I think it was. That was really fun to watch.

We headed home, tuckered out from all the fresh air and the extended socializing.

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